Scripted Output Hooks

You can use 3 user controllable scripted filters and have them return what you want for your output paths.


they are all global functions and each take 3 arguments: <inputString> <filterDivider> <filterCount> and returns the modified string.

The first input is the value the filter is assigned to - for example if you set a dropdown to 'PassName' and the filter to one of these scripts, the input will be the passname (and from that you can figure out the pass index etc. - as such it is probably the most useful input). The second input is the first string set next to the filterdropdown, the second is the count spinner next to that.

Whatever is returned is used, so you can even ignore the 3 inputs and do whatever testing you like: just make sure one of the dropdowns has that filter assigned so it is called, and that it returns a string.

The returned string is appended to the root path that is set in the main RPM common controls, and the output padding and extension are appended to that.

So I could have the filter function test the current scenename/path and return everything by the root of the path, ie define this:

fn fnRPMOutputScriptTest01 passname b c = (

  return @"renders\3d\much\files\to\go\here\" + passname  + "\filenamer"


and just have one path construction dropdown active set to the PassName, with the function set as filter 1, and filter 1 set to modify that dropdown. Then your path is


The only other thing you need to do is make sure those functions exist on the workstations so they are predefined before you need to use them.

If you want to automatically have outputs write to a new directory, you could have the script look for any existing files in the outputs location, and return an incremented path if so.

cheers, grant