Solution for roller-organs/barrelorgans possible?

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Solution for roller-organs/barrelorgans possible?

Postby B13 » Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:23 am

Music Box Composer is a great solution for writing music for the mechanical instrument „music box“. But this instrument is comparable with other mechanical instruments, for the system of making music on it is nearly the same.

My problem: Rhere is no available software-solution for writing music for rollerorgans/barrelorgans, but the system is already the same. So i guess, if it would be possible to extent „music box composer“ for solving rollerorgans too. Also you could take „mbc“, edit it and make a new App especially for rollerorgans. Sell it for 100 Euro, i would buy it.

There are certainly some points, which would have to be solved:
To the 4 rollertypes (15/20/30/33) there should be 2 new types (custom 1 + custom 2) with a copy-function to copy adjustments for testing an saving running systems.
Adjustments are nessesary, because there are different types of rollerorgans: 16 or 20 or 24 or more.
The User should be able to adjust following points free:
Quantity of tones (how many tones?)
Pitch of every single tone and on whitch track of the roll it should work.
The width of the wholes (some organs need bigger wholes, some not).
The different between the wholes (some organs have whole-tracks near to each other, some not).

The practical different between rollerorgan an music box is, that the rollerorgan can hold tones for longer, so the software has to solve a possibility to make as many wholes that are nessesary for hold a longer tone. (Maybe a quater-note could be 2 or 3 following holes. This should also the user be able to adjust, because every organ reacts different.)

The sound should be a nonreleasing organsound, not the sound of a music box. I could give you some mp3.

I would pay for such a software, because there is no solution worldwide for rollerorganists.

There are existing „isle“-solutions, which single persons have made for themselfes. Some of these are selling there services to rollerorganists, who do not have the technical background, which i am one. :cry:

Maybe you say: Man, who needs such a software-solution? How many roller-organists are todays in the world.

I say: More than you would think. - I can also live without a software, but i would be glad, if there would be a practicable software for writing and punching music on rollerorgan.
I also think, you are now already near to a solution with your „music box composer“. There would be nessesary a extention of mpc for solving another goup of instruments. This would be a unique software-solution, there is still not one available.
Meanwhile i write my music with hand. I have built a helping tool from wood. This is still working for me, but today there should be a modern possibility.

There also could be a simular solution for checking existing paperrolls. You can use a smartphone as a scanner, so why don´t check musicrolls over a smartphones display, why don´t scan in the roll for converting it to „mbc“?

Science fiction? I am hoping NOT.

Best reguards.

Friendly reguards.

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Re: Solution for roller-organs/barrelorgans possible?

Postby B13 » Mon Jan 08, 2018 11:52 am

... is my English so bad (sure) or am i alone with my opinion, it would be possible to make the targetgroup for mbc bigger?

Friendly reguards.

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Re: Solution for roller-organs/barrelorgans possible?

Postby Alfons » Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:02 pm

there is software called Noteur and Midiboek to write and print midi for crankorgans.
you can define your own output with punchholes for also roller-organs and barrelorgans.

with Google you can find the website to download the software (which is free to use)

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