I had bought a lightbox originally since they aren't too expensive these days for good bright LED versions, though even a simple incandescent bulb in a box with a sheet of glass or clear plastic on top would work (assuming you can get said bulbs, here everything is "energy saver" now which take a good 3-6 minutes to warm up before they reach full intensity...

). In the picture there the strip was the same width as the PDF printout page strips so after taping down the printed page it was just a matter of lining up the bottom/top edges (didn't bother cutting anything out from the printed page, just put the strip over top).
The strip I had there was what came with the musical movement, you can also buy additional precut strips and even continual strip rolls in 15-50 meter lengths through Etsy, eBay, Amazon, and AliExpress (though the shipping can be slow and pricey coming from China).
Punching time is another matter entirely, if it's a simpler tune or a short tune then it may be fairly fast going. If it's a very complicated tune with lots of harmony chords accompanying the main melody then that can wind up taking a good bit longer. Usually just a matter of patience either way.