First of all: my guess about the printer-driver was wrong, changing paper-sizes there didn´t help at all

The (not really satisfying) solution for me was to open the pdf within The GIMP (for non-linuxers: The Gnu Image Manipulation Programme, something like photoshop under windows) extract the jpg-s (which are already split within the pdf) cut them to an appropriate size, and then print them on A4 paper. The resulting strip works fine.
@ MRutley:
Hi Miranda!
The jpg should be in the same folder, where the pdf is, as far as I can see. Probably it will be much too large, to be printed out as one piece.
If you´re not familiar with photoshop (or even The GIMP) and the file is not too large, send me an email with the pdf(!) attached, that you want to print out, and I will look what I can do for you to send back the already split jpg-s.
Best regards, jeb!