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Submitting fails after sending once in large scenes

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:14 pm
by tnelson

I've had this problem for years now, but not all of my scenes are big enough to trigger the failure. I'm using Max 2014 (I know...) and RPM 6.5.

Basically, I open the Max scene and RPM, and I'm able to submit passes as normal. However, if I try it again, it fails and fails until I close Max and re-open the scene. This only happens in larger Max files, however, disk space is not a problem.

I just opened the SubmitLog.txt after a failed attempt and this is what it says.
Backburner Submission Starting... 20
Connecting to Terry Info 20
05A +5 FL Disabling Vray Render Region for Submission Info 2
05A +5 FL Job name already exists, renaming as '05A +5 FL_01' Info 2
05A +5 FL Pass Submission Starting... Info 2
05A +5 FL Submission Failed, trying again Error 1
Reconnecting to Terry Info5 20
05A +5 FL Secondary Submission Failed Error 1
05A +5 FL Pass Submission Finished Info 7
Finishing... Disconnecting from manager Terry Info 20
Finished Netsubmission completed Done 20

I'm really hoping for a solution, as this creates a huge time suck when working this way. Thanks.